che vengono in Italia. Molto interessanti quelle sui motorini:
"i guidatori di scooter vedono se stessi come esenti dalle convenzioni che si applicano alle automobili!!"
Molto preoccupati anche sui morti e feriti fra pedoni e ciclisti messi sotto da
auto/scooter. Insomma i cittadini USA sanno cosa aspettarsi quando vengono da noi ...

"Motorscooters are very popular and drivers often see themselves as exempt from conventions that apply to automobiles. Travelers who rent scooters should be particularly cautious. Pedestrians and drivers hould be constantly alert to the possibility of scooters sudden presence.
Throughout Italy, pedestrian deaths are increasing, with a total of 1,188 deaths in 2002, the last year for which statistics are currently available. There were also more than 17,000 pedestrian injuries in 2002. Most of these deaths and injuries involve pedestrians or cyclists who are involved in collisions with scooters or other vehicles. U.S. citizens should remain vigilant and alert while walking or cycling near traffic. Pedestrians should be careful, as sidewalks, especially in major cities, can be extremely congested and uneven, and drivers of bicycles, motorcycles and other vehicles routinely ignore traffic signals and traffic flows, routinely park and even drive on sidewalks.
For safety, pedestrians should look carefully in both directions before crossing streets, even when using a marked crosswalk with a green "avanti" ("walk") light illuminated. "
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